Home/About GPI/Sourcing

Finding out the right products of what you need

Thousands of stock items which are proven to have good performance in the market ready for your options, choose from them help you get shorter lead-time with good quality. If none of the products listed here can satisfy you, then our sourcing ability can help you definitely!

Our professional sourcing team will work on sourcing the right items from tons of actual manufacturers in China. We are close to factories, we can check the factories and their samples easily, and we have no language and cultural gaps on communications.

Send us detail request to source a new product, the more infos you send the quicker getting back to you with the exact proposal.  Prefer to have below infos when you need to source a new products.

  1. Product name
  2. Pictures / drawings / sketches
  3. As detailed description as you have for the products
  4. Packing requirement
  5. Standards / regulations required to compliance
  6. Certificates required
  7. Any other infos you have in hands…

You don’t have detail infos about the products? No worries, just let us know what you have and then we will manage to provide you with options.

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